PDF⋙ Microwave Materials for Wireless Applications by David Cruickshank

Microwave Materials for Wireless Applications by David Cruickshank

Microwave Materials for Wireless Applications

Microwave Materials for Wireless Applications by David Cruickshank PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This practical resource offers you an in-depth, up-to-date understanding of the use of microwave magnetic materials for cutting-edge wireless applications. The book discusses device applications used in wireless infrastructure base stations, point-to-point radio links, and a range of more specialized microwave systems. You find detailed discussions on the attributes of each family of magnetic materials with respect to specific wireless applications. Moreover, the book addresses two of the hottest topics in the field today – insertion loss and intermodulation. This comprehensive reference also covers ancillary materials that are used with microwave magnetic materials, such as dielectrics, absorbers, and conductors.

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