PDF⋙ The Bible as History: Second Revised Edition by Werner Keller, Joachim Rohork

The Bible as History: Second Revised Edition by Werner Keller, Joachim Rohork

The Bible as History: Second Revised Edition

The Bible as History: Second Revised Edition by Werner Keller, Joachim Rohork PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This groundbreaking work that sheds light on the historical foundations of the bestselling book of all time—the Bible—is now back in print.

Have you ever wondered about the Bible’s fascinating history or the scientific and historical studies that have been conducted to support its numerous accounts? The groundbreaking text on biblical investigation, The Bible as History, now back in print, explains scientific and archaeological breakthroughs with fascinating descriptions of excavations and analysis of ancient texts.

This edition features:

  • Remarkable evidence that confirms some of the most monumental and controversial events in the Bible, including the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra.
  • Deciphered texts from the ancient world that offer an intriguing look back at the origin of the Ten Commandments.
  • The extraordinary techniques used to try to prove the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin.
  •  …and more!

A classic text and breathtaking journey to the heart of Holy Scripture, The Bible as History pieces together one of the most stunning spiritual puzzles in the history of mankind.

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