PDF⋙ The Dangerous Years (Kelly Maguire) by Max Hennessy

The Dangerous Years (Kelly Maguire) by Max Hennessy

The Dangerous Years (Kelly Maguire)

The Dangerous Years (Kelly Maguire) by Max Hennessy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The second title in the exciting naval trilogy featuring the courageous Kelly Maguire. There is talk of peace across Europe as the First World War draws to its bloody conclusion and the German naval fleet limps into Scapa Flow for a humiliating surrender. But for Lieutenant Kelly Maguire, new conflicts arise in Russia, the Mediterranean and the Far East. Maguire faces brutal choices and violent action. Rising through the ranks of the Royal Navy he is sent on a mission to the killing-ground of China. For Maguire, dangerous years are ahead.

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