PDF⋙ The Young Chef's Chinese Cookbook (I'm the Chef) by Frances Lee

The Young Chef's Chinese Cookbook (I'm the Chef) by Frances Lee

The Young Chef's Chinese Cookbook (I'm the Chef)

The Young Chef's Chinese Cookbook (I'm the Chef) by Frances Lee PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Children will have fun preparing some of China's typical dishes themselves! The Young Chef's Chinese Cookbook contains fifteen easy-to-prepare recipes each with step-by-step instructions, easy-to-follow photographs, plus tips and warnings for safety in the kitchen. Each recipe includes interesting facts about the culture of China and a special section features the traditions, costumes, food, and fun of Chinese New Year. Recipes include: spring rolls; four-color soup; fried rice; long-life noodles; red bean soup; dim sum; and more!

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