PDF⋙ H.E.R.O. - Gene Front: H.E.R.O. by Kevin Rau

H.E.R.O. - Gene Front: H.E.R.O. by Kevin Rau

H.E.R.O. - Gene Front: H.E.R.O.

H.E.R.O. - Gene Front: H.E.R.O. by Kevin Rau PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Gene Front, a super mutant group that desires to keep superpowers in the hands of supers, and out of the hands of humans. The group hires the supervillain Winterfury to kidnap University professors leading a class in the midst of examining supers and how their bodies and powers work. The situation becomes convoluted for the heroes of Metrocity as Borgz becomes involved, as does Neon, a new super who plays havoc with some of the heroines of the city. The superheroines of Metrocity have their second gathering, which is repeatedly interrupted by other heroes, villains, a kidnapping, mental takeover, and a revelation to Psystar. In the midst of the chaos, can the heroes find and stop Gene Front as they plan an all-out assault on a research firm in Metrocity? The bounty hunter Sparks also plays a role as heroes and villains collide.

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