Twosomes: Love Poems from the Animal Kingdom by Marilyn Singer
Twosomes: Love Poems from the Animal Kingdom by Marilyn Singer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Do animals celebrate Valentine's Day? Nobody knows for sure. But this funny (and punny) little book imagines how some of them declare their love, affection, or friendship any day of the year."Nice to Meetcha! You smell delish!/Wanna share my water dish?" So asks one tail-thumping dog to another. Whereas a courting dolphin sings, "Come, leap with me and be my wife./You're the porpoise of my life." Ranging from dogs and cats and other pets to some you wouldn't want to pet, such as sharks and porcupines, acclaimed poet Marilyn Singer's captivating couplets and Lee Wildish's expressively humorous illustrations provide a Valentine's Day gift for kids who wouldn't be caught dead being lovey-dovey.From reader reviews:
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