PDF⋙ Shadows in the Twilight (Joel Gustafson) by Henning Mankell

Shadows in the Twilight (Joel Gustafson) by Henning Mankell

Shadows in the Twilight (Joel Gustafson)

Shadows in the Twilight (Joel Gustafson) by Henning Mankell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Joel will soon be twelve, and he thinks nothing's going on in the small community where he lives. But he's wrong. One day, a miracle happens. He's run over by a bus but somehow comes through it unscathed. He now believes he must repay the favor by doing a good deed.  So he decides to find a husband for his friend, a young woman in town who is shy and lonely.  He plans to find the best candidate for a husband, and then secretly bring them together, with neither one being the wiser.

Even though his heart is in the right place, his plan backfires and his friend's feelings are hurt by the very person he thought would be best for her.  Joel feels terrible and knows that he must confess to his elaborate scheme to ultimately make things right.

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