The Timeshare Coach by Carl Garwood
The Timeshare Coach by Carl Garwood PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Are you the top Sales Professional on your sales line? Are you achieving your goals this year? If not, why not? How are you ensuring that you meet your goals and maintaining a positive attitude? The Timeshare Coach SM shows you how, if you change you thoughts, you will sell more Timeshare. This book covers your first thoughts of the day and how you can control your self talk. Learn how to adapt to clients of the 21st century and use the internet, resales and the rescission period to your advantage. The Timeshare Coach SM shows you how to maintain a positive attitude at work, no matter what challenges you have and the six simple steps to setting your goals and how to achieve them. If you sell Timeshare, you must read this book it will help you get more sales............FACT www.thetimesharecoach.comFrom reader reviews:
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