PDF⋙ Nine Day Novel-Self Publishing: Publishing Your First Novel on KDP and CreateSpace (9 Day Novel) (Volume 5) by Steve Windsor, Lise Cartwright
Nine Day Novel-Self Publishing: Publishing Your First Novel on KDP and CreateSpace (9 Day Novel) (Volume 5) by Steve Windsor, Lise Cartwright
Nine Day Novel-Self Publishing: Publishing Your First Novel on KDP and CreateSpace (9 Day Novel) (Volume 5) by Steve Windsor, Lise Cartwright PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Self Publishing is Hard?!
Does the KDP dashboard feel like the control panel of a jumbo jet?
Does getting your book self published to CreateSpace feel like you're lost in space?
...been there, done that, so let me show you the T-shirt!
The first time we self published a book to KDP, we were so afraid to make a mistake that it took hours. Then came the errors and the publishing, republishing and republishing again and again to make sure the files were right. And every time we needed to change the description or adjust keywords or pricing for the book, we had to wait 12 hours to see it live!
And that was just publishing to Kindle... CreatSpace is a whole other can of worms...
Help is Here
Self publishing your own book is rewarding, but it is also painful if you don't know the techinical in's and outs — which is where our experience comes in!
Between the two of us, we've self published over 30 books in the past 12 months, both on Kindle and CreateSpace, so we know a thing or two about the process. And we want to save you the heartache and hair-pulling that can occur when you're trying to do everything yourself.
But this book is more than just a step-by-step tutorial guide about how to use Scrivener to compile the files for KDP and CreateSpace.
We've crammed in hard-won knowledge like:
- Author Platform basics
- Email Autoresponder Basics
- How to set up a basic Mailchimp opt-in form
- Better book building functions
- Structuring your novel's contents like a pro
- Plus so much more
Let's not beat around the bush any longer. It's time to feel good about self publishing your book, because you're fully equipped with the tools and knowledge to get it done and up on Amazon so your raving fans can gobble it up!
Scroll to the top, click or tap on the "buy now" button and start reading your way to self publishing success in 5 minutes or less.
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